The Shining - 1980 | Story and Screenshots

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A few hours later, Jack is roused from a nap by the sound of Delbert Grady's voice.

Delbert: Mr. Torrance, I see you can hardly have taken care of the business we discussed.

Jack: No need to rub it in, Mr. Grady.

Delbert: I and others have come to a belief, that your heart is not in this. That you don't have the belly for it. . . .Your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, Mr. Torrance. Somewhat more resourceful. She seems to have got the better of you.

Jack: For the moment, Mr. Grady. Only for the moment.

Delbert: I fear that you will have to deal with this matter in the harshest possible way, Mr. Torrance.

Jack: There's nothing I look forward to with greater pleasure, Mr. Grady. I give you my word.

The pantry door then suddenly becomes unlocked.

Hallorann, now in a Snowcat, drives forward along snow-covered road between banks of trees.

Wendy has fallen asleep in her room. Danny is in a trance, carrying a knife . . .

Danny [muttering]: Redrum. Redrum. Redrum.

He takes Wendy's lipstick and writes "REDRUM" on the bathroom door. He begins shouting . . .

Danny: Redrum. Redrum. Redrum!

This wakes Wendy and she clutches him to her, then sees the reflection of the bathroom door in the mirror. Reversed, it reads: "MURDER." At that instant, banging sounds start coming from the door. The sound is Jack swinging an axe at the locked door. Wendy grabs Danny and locks them in the bathroom.

She opens a tiny, snow banked window and pushes Danny out; he slides safely to the ground.

Jack chops his way through the front door . . .

Jack: Wendy, I'm home! Danny... Daddy's home!

He looks down, removes a piece of wood, reaches in, and unlocks door.

Jack: Come out, come out, where ever you are.

Jack, still armed with the axe, heads upstairs. Jack stops at the bathroom door. He then knocks politely.

She tries to get out the same window, but cannot fit.

Wendy: I can't get out! I can't get out! Run! Run, and hide!

Danny runs away.

Jack: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair of your chiny-chin-chin? Well then I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in.

Wendy holds the knife and tries to steady herself as Jack begins chopping down the bathroom door.

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Resource Credits: imdb.com, bluscreens.net, cinemasquid.com

Excerpts from the Post Production Script. July, 1980











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