The Shining - 1980 | Story and Screenshots

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Jack goes to investigate. Jack's exploration of room 237 is a tipping point for three characters: Danny, Jack, and Dick. While Jack is inside the room, Danny appears to be having a seizure in his own room while Dick, on vacation in Florida, seems to pick up on a signal Danny is sending. Jack cautiously enters room 237 and hears noises from the bathroom.

He watches lustfully as a young beautiful naked woman (Lia Beldam) pulls back the shower curtain and steps slowly out of the bathtub. The two approach each other and embrace in a passionate kiss. Jack catches a glimpse of their reflection in the mirror and sees the woman is actually a rotting corpse. He recoils in horror, seeing that the young lady has transformed into an elderly woman (Billie Gibson); a walking corpse with rotten, sagging skin. She cackles madly while reaching for him with her stretched arms.

At this very same moment, we also see Danny in his bedroom, shaking with fear. In a frightened panic, Jack staggers out of the room, locking the door after him.

We cut briefly to Hallorann's Miami apartment, he tries calling the hotel, but he gets a recording that the call cannot be completed. When Jack reports back to Wendy, Jack denies anything amiss in room 237. As they talk, we see Danny lying awake on his bed. He's having another vision of the Lobby gushing with blood. Wendy suggests they take Danny to a doctor.

Jack becomes irate, lecturing Wendy on her thoughtlessness and blaming her for everything that's gone wrong in his life. Insisting that they can't leave the hotel because of his obligation to his employers, he storms out.

We cut back to Halloran's apartment. Dick calls the Ranger Statio, the ranger confirms a lot of lines are down due to the storm. Dick expresses his concern for the Torrance family, having a young child and isolated by the storm. He requests the ranger to radio them. The ranger tells him to give him 20 minutes and call back.

After throwing a tantrum in the kitchen knocking things over, Jack returns to the Gold Room, which is now the scene of an extravagant party with guests dressed in 1920s fashion. He moves across the crowded Ballroom and sits at the bar. Lloyd greets him back.

Lloyd: What'll it be, sir?

Jack: Hair of the dog that bit me, Lloyd.

Lloyd serves him a drink and Jack goes to mingle. He doesn't get far when a Waiter carrying a tray runs into him, spilling advocaat on his jacket.

The Waiter convinces Jack to come into the bathroom to clean up.

Jack: I'll just set my bourbon and advocaat down right there.

The butler introduces himself as Delbert Grady (Philip Stone). Jack remembers the story Mr. Ullman told him about a man named Grady and confronts Grady with the information.

Jack: Mr. Grady, you were the caretaker here. I recognize you. I saw your picture in the newspapers. You, uh, chopped your wife and daughters up into little bits. And then you blew your brains out.

Delbert: That's strange, sir. I don't have any recollection of that at all.

Jack: Mr. Grady, you were the caretaker here.

Delbert: I'm sorry to differ with you sir, but you are the caretaker. You've always been the caretaker. I should know sir - I've always been here.

Jack is confused, but seems to accept Grady's story.

Delbert: Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that?

Jack: No.

Delbert: He is, Mr. Torrance.

Jack: Who?

Delbert: A nigger cook.

Jack: How?

Delbert: Your son has a very great talent. I don't think you are aware how great it is. That he is attempting to use that very talent against your will.

Jack: He is a very willful boy.

Delbert: Indeed he is, Mr. Torrance. A very willful boy. A rather naughty boy, if I may be so bold, sir.

Jack: It's his mother. She, uh, interferes.

Delbert: Perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more. My girls, sir, they didn't care for the Overlook at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches, and tried to burn it down. But I corrected them sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I corrected her.

Meanwhile, an upset Wendy is talking to herself, making plans to escape in the snowcat, with or without Jack. Suddenly she hears Danny's voice. She runs to his bedroom and he's chanting . . .

Danny: Red Rum. Red Rum.

Wendy tries to snap him out of it, but he seems to be in a trance, repeating the chant.

Wendy: Danny, wake up!

Danny [as Tony]: Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance.

She leans forward and puts her arm round him. She strokes his hair.

Later, Jack is in the office with the radio. He hears the ranger trying to contact them. He opens up the radio casing and removes a couple components, disabling the radio. Soon after, Halloran returns his call to the ranger, who has no luck in contacting the hotel. Dick books the next flight to Colorado. Some time later, Hallorann's plane lands at Stapleton Airport. He calls Durkin's Garage to arrange for a snowcat. Larry Durkin is confused why he needs to make it to the hotel in this kind of weather.

Hallorann: : Larry, just between you and me, we got a very serious problem with the people taking care of the place. They turned out to be completely unreliable assholes. Ullman phoned me last night, and I'm supposed to go up there and find out if they have to be replaced.

Durkin buys Dick's story and will have a snowcat ready for him. Hallorann rents a car and heads for Durkin's Garage.

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Resource Credits: imdb.com, bluscreens.net, cinemasquid.com

Excerpts from the Post Production Script. July, 1980











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