The Shining - 1980 | Story and Screenshots

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Lounge: Jack is typing at the table when Wendy enters to check on him. She mentions to him that the weather forecast said it's going to snow tonight. Jack is in a belligerent mood. She offers to come back later with sandwiches and hopefully he will allow her to read what he has written so far.

Jack: Wendy, let me explain something to you. Whenever you come in here and interrupt me, you're breaking my concentration.

Jack hits his forehead with his hand.

Jack: You're distracting me.

He picks up a sheet of paper and tears it up. Then he throws the pieces down.

Jack: And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. You understand?

Wendy: Yes.

Jack: Fine. Now, we're going to make a new rule. Whenever I am in here and you hear me typing . . .

He taps the typewriter keys.

Jack: . . . or whether you don't hear me typing, or whatever the fuck you hear me doing in here, ; when I'm in here, that means that I am working, that means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that?

Wendy: Yes.

Jack: Fine. Now why don't you start right now and get the fuck out of here, hmm?

Wendy turns and walks away. Jack resumes his typing.

Outside the hotel, Wendy is running and being chased by Danny carrying snowballs, they shout with laughter.

Wendy: I know you've got some.

We cut to Jack, who is at the window, watching Wendy and Danny playing in the snow.

Hotel office: Wendy is standing at the switchboard with a headset on, putting the socket into various plugs. She realizes the phone lines are down. She leaves the office and enters another office. Wendy stops at a radio set and switches it on. She pulls microphone towards her.

Wendy: This is KDK 12 calling KDK 1.

Rangers office: A ranger acknowledges her call. She relays her name, location, and reports the phone lines are down. The ranger reports that lines are down everywhere due to the storm and sometimes they don't get repaired till spring. He continues that it's one of the worst they've had for years.

Ranger: Well, if you folks have any problems up there just give us a call, and Mrs. Torrance, I think it might be a good idea if you leave your radio on all the time now. Over.

Wendy: Okay. We'll do that. It was real nice talking to you. Bye. Over and Out.

Danny pedals away along empty corridor on his tricycle. He turns corner and stops as he sees the two Grady Girls at the end.

Grady Girls: Hullo, Danny. . . . Come and play with us. . . . Come and play with us, Danny.

Suddenly we cut to the two Grady Girls laying on the floor covered with bloodstains. A bloodstained axe lies on floor. The walls are covered with bloodstains. We cut back to the two Grady Girls, holding hands and standing at the end of the corridor.

Grady Girls: Forever. . . .

Our view jumps back to the bloody scene. Danny reacts.

Back again to the two Grady Girls holding hands.

Grady Girls: . . . and ever. . . .

Back again to the bloody scene, then back to them holding hands.

Grady Girls: . . . and ever.

Back again to the bloody scene. Danny puts his hands over his eyes. Then he opens his fingers and looks through them. Empty corridor. He lowers his hands from his face.

Danny: Tony, I'm scared.

He raises up his hand and wiggles his forefinger as he speaks.

Danny [as Tony]: Remember what Mr. Hallorann said. It's just like pictures in a book, Danny. It isn't real.

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Resource Credits: imdb.com, bluscreens.net, cinemasquid.com

Excerpts from the Post Production Script. July, 1980











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