The Shining - 1980 | Story and Screenshots

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At the Overlook, Wendy arms herself with a baseball bat and goes searching for Jack, intent on leaving the hotel with Danny and with or without Jack.

During her search, she spots his manuscript next to the typewriter.

She reads what Jack has been writing: hundreds of pages of repetitions of a single sentence . . .

Jack [typed]: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

She realizes Jack has gone mad. Jack approaches from behind. Wendy shrieks with alarm and turns. A confrontation ensues as Jack demands to know her intentions . . .

Jack: What are you doing down here?

Wendy [sobbing]: I just wanted to talk to you.

Jack: Okay, let's talk. What do you wanna talk about?

Wendy: I can't really remember.

Jack: You can't remember... Maybe it was about... Danny? Maybe it was about him. I think we should discuss Danny. I think we should discuss what should be done with him. What should be done with him?

Wendy: I don't know.

Jack: I don't think that's true. I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny and I'd like to know what they are.

Wendy: Well, I think... maybe... he should be taken to a doctor.

Jack: You think maybe he should be taken to a doctor? When do you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor?

Wendy: As soon as possible.

Jack [mocking/imitating her]: As soon as possible. You think his health might be at stake?

Wendy: Y-Yes!

Jack: You are concerned about him.

Wendy: Yes!

Jack: And are you concerned about me?

Wendy: Of course I am!

Jack: Of course you are! Have you ever thought about my responsibilities?

Wendy: Oh Jack, what are you talking about?

Jack: Have you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities? Have you ever thought for a single solitary moment about my responsibilities to my employers? Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first.

Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a letter of agreement, a contract, in which I have accepted that responsibility? Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principal is? Do you? Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future, if I were to fail to live up to my responsibilities? Has it ever occurred to you? Has it?

Wendy [crying, swings the bat]: Stay away from me!

Jack: Why?

Wendy: I just want to go back to my room!

Jack: Why?

Wendy: Well, I'm very confused, and I just need time to think things over!

Jack: You've had your whole fucking life to think things over, what good's a few minutes more going to do you now?

Wendy: Jack... stay away from me... please. Don't hurt me!

Jack: I'm not gonna hurt you.

Wendy: Stay away from me!

Jack: Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt you. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just going to bash your brains in.

Wendy gasps.

Jack [laughs]: I'm going to bash them right the fuck in!

Wendy: Stay away from me!

Jack [sarcastically]: I'm not gonna hurt you...

Wendy: Stay away! Stop it!

Jack: Stop swingin' the bat. Put the bat down, Wendy. Wendy? Give me the bat...

Wendy hits Jack in the head with the bat at the top of a flight of stairs, knocking him unconscious. Jack tumbles down the staircase, injuring his ankle in the process.

Wendy drags Jack's limp body to the pantry and locks him inside, just as he regains consciousness.

Jack: Wendy, listen. Let me out of here and I'll forget the whole goddam thing! It'll be just like nothing ever happened. Wendy, baby, I think you hurt my head real bad. I'm dizzy, I need a doctor. Honey, don't leave me here.

Wendy: I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna try and get Danny down to the Sidewinder in the Snow Cat. I'll bring back a doctor.

Jack: Wendy?

Wendy: I'm gonna go now.

Jack: Wendy?

Wendy: Yes?

Jack [laughing]: You've got a big surprise coming to you. You're not going anywhere! Go check out the Snowcat and the radio and you'll see what I mean. Go check it out. . . . Go check it out!

She goes outside to check on the snow cat, and confirms what he told her.

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Resource Credits: imdb.com, bluscreens.net, cinemasquid.com

Excerpts from the Post Production Script. July, 1980











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