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Jupiter Ascending - 2015 | Story and Screenshots

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The two drive up to the home of Caine's former comrade Stinger Apini (Sean Bean), who is spliced with a bee. Stinger lives with his sick daughter. He and Caine were once skyjackers, but were let go following an incident, and now Stinger resents Caine.

The two fight for a bit, when a swarm of bees appears. The bees surround Jupiter, but they never sting her. She moves her arms around them, and they fly around her. Stinger realizes who she is, and starts to refer to Jupiter as, "Your Majesty." Caine tries to contact the Aegis (space cops) to help them.

The bounty hunters and a few Keepers come up across Stinger's home. They chase after him, Caine, and Jupiter through the field outside his home. Falque corners Jupiter and nearly kills her, but Razo shoots him in the back and kills him first. They capture Jupiter and ascend on their ship. Caine manages to latch onto the ship as it leaves Earth.

Razo and Ibis bring Jupiter to the home of Kalique. She is friendly toward Jupiter and tells her that she is something of a genetic incarnation of Kalique's mother.

She shows Jupiter a statue of her mother that looks exactly like Jupiter. Kalique says she is 14,000 years old, and her mother was 90,000 when she was murdered.

Kalique walks into a bath and sheds her older image to a more youthful appearance. Stinger then shows up with the Aegis, led by Commander Diomika Tsing (Nikki Amuka-Bird). They order Kalique to hand Jupiter over to them. In order for Jupiter to properly stake her claim on Earth, she is forced to go to Orus and go through a process for registration. She goes through several windows with an android lawyer until she is printed with a tattoo on her wrist and officially allowed to claim ownership of Earth.

In the meantime, Jupiter attempts to sort of flirt with Caine.

Caine Wise: Your Majesty, I have more in common with a dog than I have with you.

Jupiter Jones: I love dogs, I've always loved dogs.

Titus and his people take in Jupiter and apprehend Caine as Stinger hands them over to him in exchange for currency to help his ailing daughter.

Titus and Jupiter have dinner together. Titus deduces that Jupiter has fallen in love with Caine, yet he still proposes to her.

Afterwards, he shows Jupiter a room filled with thousands of vials that contain youth serums made from harvesting hundreds of dead humans. Jupiter is horrified by this realization.

Caine is imprisoned and placed in a chamber by Titus and his people. He plans to kill Jupiter after marrying her so that he can get his claim to Earth. Caine is expelled into space with his hands cuffed behind him. He uses his hover boots to burn the cuffs off and grab a floating pack that contains a spacesuit that automatically forms itself around Caine's body and saves him from suffocation. He only has 40 minutes of oxygen, but the Aegis emerge from hyperspace and rescue him.

The wedding is about to take place. Titus has his ring printed on his finger during the ceremony. Jupiter nearly has hers printed on when Caine comes crashing in on a ship into the cathedral. He comes up to the platform where Jupiter and Titus are and tells Jupiter that Titus plans to kill her. They hold Titus at gunpoint, but Jupiter only wants to go home.

Meanwhile, Balem is told that Jupiter is still alive. His lizard-rat hybrid henchman Sargorn (Neil Fingleton) is sent to Earth with his team of lizard-rat men to break into the home of Jupiter's family and capture them. Jupiter goes home and realizes this, forcing her to return to space and save her family. Jupiter arrives at a mining facility on the planet where Balem resides. The Aegis are close behind her but are unable to enter because the planet is protected by a shield.

Jupiter is brought before Balem, who shows her the family in the floor beneath them as they are floating and sleeping in stasis, while the henchmen get ready to splice into them. Using a special contract, Balem orders Jupiter to sign over her rights to rule over Earth if she wants her family to live. Realizing that either way, she and her family would die since Balem would harvest them on Earth, she refuses and smashes the contract.

Caine, with the help of Stinger, breaches the planet's shield. Tsing tells him his mission could get him killed, but she adds that he is tremendously courageous. Caine breaks into Balem's facility and kills the lizard-rat people to save Jupiter's family. He pulls Jupiter out with a device that opens a hole beneath her to get her away from Balem. Outside, the facility starts to destabilize and collapse.

Caine fights Sargorn while Balem tries to kill Jupiter himself. Caine kills Sargorn by pushing him into the hole he made and removing the device to close the hole around Sargorn's neck, crushing it. Jupiter's family is taken to safety while Jupiter fights back against Balem.

Balem believes Jupiter is his mother reincarnated, and he admits that he murdered his mother, claiming that she told him she hated her life and wanted him to kill her.

Jupiter shoots Balem once in the leg and whacks him across the face with a bar. The platform beneath them breaks slightly. Balem is unable to hold on and he plummets to his death.

Jupiter falls but is rescued by Caine. With the help of the Aegis, everyone is able to escape the crumbling facility and get out safely. Jupiter and her family are taken back home, with their memories erased of their capture or any interaction with evil lizard-rat people.

Jupiter continues to go about her work and has made breakfast and coffee for her family. They surprise her by bringing out the telescope she wanted. She then tells the family that she has a date. They all press her with questions like, "Is he Russian?"

Jupiter joins Caine on the roof of another building. He has his wings restored to his back after his heroic deeds, and she has gotten hover boots of her own. Jupiter decides not to tell her family that she basically owns Earth. The two of them kiss and take flight over the city.


Story: 01 | 02 | Cast / Characters | Additional Screenshots | Artists Series

Resources:,, SFMZ presentation created by Warnerchild

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