O'Brien and Harold show up at the front line.
H. MEDFORD: Stop the firing!
O'BRIEN: Cease fire!
H. MEDFORD: No more explosives! We can't risk closing off the nest. Is there any type of gas we can use?
O'BRIEN: No, we can't take a chance. It might poison the whole city.
H. MEDFORD: Well we've got to go through there and locate the egg chamber, find out if any new queens have hatched out.
Meanwhile, Graham and his troops venture further towards the nest.
A giant ant appears from an opening of a tunnel.
Graham and the soldiers fire on the creature, killing it. They have destroyed many of the support beams.
Suddenly one of the beams gives way causing rubble to fall on a soldier. They frantically try to dig him out.
GRAHAM: Medics! . . . Medics!
Back at the location of O'Brien, another beam collapses trapping another soldier. The stability of the area is now as dangerous as the giant ants.
Tons of rubble crash down, cutting off Graham from the rest of the troops.
SOLDIER: Start digging you guys! . . . Hurry up, dig . . . dig!
O'Brien jumps in to help clear the rubble.