P. MEDFORD: Watch yourself, Bob
Graham gives her a comforting smile.
The search units head off into the storm drains.
The trail of jeeps kick on their search lights.
GRAHAM: Graham at Drain 203 . . . in sixth-tenths of a mile and nothing to report, over.
P. MEDFORD: Medford at Drain 207 . . . in one half of a mile, nothing to report, over.
O'Brien, Harold, and Mrs. Lodge are monitoring the radio updates.
PETERSON: Peterson at Drain 223 . . . we're in sixth-tenths of a mile, nothing to report, over.
KIBBEE: This is Kibbee at Drain 192 . . . in eight-tenths of a mile, nothing to report, over.
CUT TO: Peterson and Smitty, Ben's jeep driver.
PETERSON: Wait a minute, hold it. . . Kill the motor.
A tapping sound is heard.
PETERSON: Do you hear that?
PETERSON (radio transmit): This is Peterson, stop all motors.
Peterson continues repeating the request, everyone complies.
PETERSON: This is Peterson at Drain 223 . . . we're in just over a mile, I think I hear something. (the tapping continues) There it is again, stand by.