Graham and Peterson arrive at the City Jail. Graham is questioning the Yard Watchman.
GRAHAM: Is this the only job you ever had?
RAILROAD YARD WATCHMAN: Yes sir. I've been at the railroad thirty years and never a blot against my record.
GRAHAM: Well the Yard cop seems to think you made a deal not to see that car broken into.
RAILROAD YARD WATCHMAN: What kind of sense does that make? Is sugar a rare cargo? Is there a black market for it? Did you ever hear of a fence for hot sugar? If I was going to make a deal with crooks to steal something, it wouldn't be for forty tons of sugar. And I swear I didn't hear a thing Friday night.
Peterson opens the door. There is a woman in the other room crying.
PETERSON: I'll be right back. (to Graham) That woman just identified the body as her husband. I want you see him right away.
RAILROAD YARD WATCHMAN: Never in my life have I ever had anything to do with crooks, I'm an honest man.
GRAHAM: Sure pop, you can go home now. . . Take care of him, will you Curtis?
In the Coroner's Room.
CORONER: I don't think this happen in a machine. Cause any machine that pulled him hard enough teared his arm off at the shoulder, but it also chopped up his face. Look at that deep laceration across his chest. I can't figure it, except he died from shock and loss of blood.
PETERSON: Thanks very much, sir.
The Coroner leaves the room.
PETERSON: His name's Thomas Lodge. Police found him this morning at 6:30. His car jumped over a curb and into a sign board, but not hard enough to do that. They couldn't find the other arm. . . And here's the joke about it, his wife said he left the house at a quarter to six, had his two kids with him, no sign of the kids yet.
Graham is now in the other room questioning Mrs. Lodge.
GRAHAM: Mrs. Lodge, was your husband accustomed to taking his boys out so early in the morning?
MRS. LODGE: On Sundays, Tom works on Sunday from nine to seven, an extra job he has. He works so hard for us, he doesn't have much time to Jeremy and Mike. So the three of them get up early and go some place to try to get in a few hours.
GRAHAM: Do you know where they might have gone this morning?
MRS. LODGE: Where? No, but they go different places. Last Sunday, Tom took the boys to the zoo. They had such a good time. Tom likes to get there early when they are feeding the animals. Jerry talked about it all week.
GRAHAM: What other places did they go?
MRS. LODGE: Sometimes Tom took them boat riding at McArthur Park, and pony rides, for miniature golf. The boys always came home so happy. So dirty, I kept asking Tom to take them places where they won't get so dirty. I always spend the rest of the time cleaning up . . . (she breaks down in tears)
GRAHAM: I'm sorry.
Graham gets her a glass of water and tries to comfort her. Peterson pops in to call him into the other room.
PETERSON: Rough, huh.
PETERSON: Bob, these are the two officers that found Lodge. This is Ryan . . .
GRAHAM: Sutton.
PETERSON: Patrolmen Sutton and Ryan.
GRAHAM: How do you do.
They exchange courtesy greetings.
PETERSON: This is Bob. When I called Dr. Medford, he and Pat are flying with O'Brien, they'll be here tonight. Kibbee called, he'll be over after he's had a little breakfast.
GRAHAM: Good. . . Now show me on the map just exactly where you found Lodge, will you.
SUTTON (points to map): Right there.
GRAHAM: And he was dead when you found him?
GRAHAM: Where's McArthur Park?
Sutton points to the location on the map.
GRAHAM: That's a long ways. Well we got to find out where they took those kids this morning.
PETERSON: I don't he could have driven very far the way he was cut up.
GRAHAM: He couldn't. . . Is there any area near the place where you found him that he might have taken the kids for a boat ride or miniature golf?
PETERSON: Pony rides, stuff like that.
RYAN: Well I don't know of any miniature golf courses. River Park is about the closest place where they can ride horses.
SUTTON: Well that's as far as we found him at McArthur Park. . . Doesn't his wife know where they were going?
GRAHAM: No. . . Did you fellas make any arrests on your beat this morning? Say between four AM and noon.
RYAN: Yes sir, four - three drunks and a traffic citation.
GRAHAM: Well, I would like to talk to all of them. There's just a chance that one of them might have seen something that'll help us.