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Rogue One

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Tatooine Sea: Jabba's huge Sail Barge moves above the desert surface accompanied by two smaller Skiffs.

One of the skiffs glides close, revealing Luke, Han, and Chewie -- all in bonds -- surrounded by guards, one of whom is Lando in disguise.

HAN: My eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.

LUKE: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.

HAN: You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient.

LUKE: Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've taken care of everything.

HAN: Oh... great!

Sail Barge Observation Deck: Jabba the Hutt rides like a sultan in the massive antigravity ship. His entire retinue is with him, drinking, eating, and having a good time. Leia is watching her friends in the skiff when the chain attached to her neck is pulled tight and Jabba tugs the scantily clad princess to him.

JABBA (in Huttese subtitled): Soon you will learn to appreciate me.

Threepio wanders among the Sail Barge aliens, bumping into a smaller droid serving drinks, spilling them all over the place. The stubby droid lets out an angry series of beeps and whistles.

THREEPIO: Oh, I'm terribly sor... Artoo! What are you doing here?

Artoo beeps a quick reply.

THREEPIO: Well, I can see you're serving drinks, but this place is dangerous. They're going to execute Master Luke and, if we're not careful, us too!

Artoo whistles a singsong response.

THREEPIO: Hmm. I wish I had your confidence.

Sarlacc Pit: The convoy moves up over a huge sand pit. The Sail Barge stops to one side of the depression, as does the escort skiff. But the prisoner's skiff moves out directly over the center and hovers. At the bottom of the deep cone of sand is a repulsive, mucous-lined hole, surrounded by thousands of needle-sharp teeth. This is the Sarlacc.

A plank is extended from the edge of the prisoner's skiff. Guards shove Luke out onto the plank above the Sarlacc's mouth. Jabba and Leia are at the Barge windows, watching. Threepio leans forward and the slobbering villain mumbles something to him. Threepio's voice is amplified across loudspeakers.

THREEPIO: Victims of the almighty Sarlacc: His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas.

Han arrogantly speaks.

HAN: Threepio, you tell that slimy piece of... worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us. Right?

Chewie growls his agreement.

LUKE: Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us or die.

Jabba's laughter subsides as he speaks into the comlink, ordering them into position.

JABBA (in Huttese subtitled): Move him into position.

Luke shoots a quick look of conspiracy to Lando, who acknowledges the cue. The assembled monsters rock with mocking laughter as Artoo zips unnoticed up the ramp to the upper deck. Leia looks worried.

Artoo appears by the Barge rail facing the pit. Below, in the skiff, Luke is prodded by a guard to the edge of the plank over the gaping Sarlacc. Luke looks up at Artoo, then gives a jaunty salute: the signal the little droid has been waiting for. A flap opens in Artoo's domed head.

JABBA (in Huttese subtitled): Put him in.

Luke is prodded and jumps off the plank to the cheers of the bloodthirsty spectators.

But, before anyone can even perceive what is happening, he spins around and grabs the end of the plank by his fingertips. The plank bends wildly from his weight and catapults him skyward. In midair he does a complete flip and drops down back in the skiff. He casually extends an open palm and -- his lightsaber, which Artoo has sent arcing toward him, drops into his hand.

With samurai speed, Luke ignites it and attacks the guard who prodded him off the plank, sending the hapless monster screaming overboard. A bewildered guard lands in the soft, sandy slope of the pit and into the mouth of Sarlacc. Jabba watches this and explodes in rage. The scuzzy creatures watching the action from the window are in an uproar.

Luke knocks another guard off the skiff and into the waiting mouth of the Sarlacc. Luke starts to untie Chewie's bonds.

LUKE: Easy, Chewie.

Lando struggles with another guard at the back of the skiff.

At that moment, the deck gunmen on the barge unleash a series of blasts from a big cannon on the upper deck. Lando is tossed from the deck of the rocking skiff. He manages to grab a rope, and dangles desperately above the Sarlacc pit.

LANDO: Whoa! Whoa! Help!

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By Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas, December 1, 1981 | Resources:,,

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