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Spock arrives in engineering, only to be stopped by Dr. McCoy from entering a lethally irradiated compartment that is part of the warp drive system.

After initially appearing to comply with McCoy, an apologetic Spock nerve-pinches McCoy, and mind melds with the doctor, saying simply "Remember..."

He then dons work gloves, enters the chamber, and begins to repair the main reactor.

Shortly after, McCoy regains consciousness and he and Scotty plead in vain to Spock to stop what he is doing.

Spock is successful and the warp engines come on line just in time, and Enterprise streaks away just as the Genesis Device, and the Reliant, explodes.

The Mutara Nebula condenses around the explosion, creating a new planet.

Kirk contacts engineering to congratulate Scotty, but he is unconscious due to the radiation.

McCoy gravely replies that Kirk needs to come down; Kirk notices the empty chair at the science station.

A look of complete horror fills Kirk's face as he rushes down to Engineering to find Spock, dying.

Kirk calls out for Spock and follows as the Vulcan staggers to the side of the transparent radiation barrier, finally resting against it.

Spock attempts with difficulty to explain to Kirk his reasoning: "Do not grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many outweigh ..." to which Kirk finishes, "the needs of the few," and Spock nods. "Or the one ..."

Spock states that he himself never took the Kobayashi Maru simulation "until now," and asked Kirk, "What do you think of my solution?"

Kirk, stricken with grief, can't reply. "I have been and always shall be your friend. Live long and prosper."

He holds out his hand, in the traditional Vulcan salute, and Kirk presses his hand up to the glass as well, watching as Spock slumps to the floor, and dies.

It takes all of his resolve to keep his composure as he sees his closest friend die in front of him. This time, there is no going back.

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