Jessie opens the door to his sister Angela's bedroom, where he sees her in a white dress skipping rope in the middle of the room, and singing the familiar jingle: "One, Two, Freddy's coming for you..." At breakfast the next morning, Jesse asks his father why it took five years for the house to sell that they were living in.
"You didn't know anything about the murder across the street and the crazy girl that lived here that saw the whole thing?...Did they tell you that girl lost her mind and her mother killed herself in our living room?" His father denies any problems: "There's absolutely nothing, I mean, nothing wrong with this house." At that moment, the unplugged kitchen toaster is consumed in flames.
Lisa encourages Jesse to not be anxious about the recent events, and Coach Schneider's death: "Just because you dreamt it doesn't mean you did it...I really think this is all in your mind. You're picking up some psychic signals." They drive together to an old abandoned power plant, the location where Fred Krueger had been employed, and where he had brought his preyed-upon victims to a boiler room.
She had done some research in the library, learning that the "Springwood Slasher" (Krueger) had been arrested, but then freed on a technicality. He had kidnapped twenty kids, brought them to the factory, and killed them. Lisa asks Jesse to concentrate and see if he felt any "connection" to the derelict facility, but there was none.
Again that night in the Walsh home, the camera (following an intruder from his POV) travels from the basement furnace to Angela's upstairs bedroom, where Freddy's voice tells her: "Wake up, little girl." In the next view when she awakes, a perspiring Jesse is standing above her bed. After telling her to go back to sleep, he adjusts her covers - noticing Freddy's right-handed talon-glove on his own hand. Anxious about what he might do to his sister and fearing his own increasing insanity, Jesse (although bereft of sleep) takes Sta-Up pills and drinks caffeinated Coke to keep awake.
At Lisa's house, she holds a pool party to which she has invited all her teenaged friends, with her insistent father's only restriction - a 12:30 am end time. In the pool house cabana, a worried and detached Jesse tells Lisa that he isn't into the party and is planning to leave. She insists on helping him with his problems - he is afraid of going to sleep, and concerned that he is falling apart. Lisa assures him: "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Outside, the pool party becomes more raucous and a few bikini tops are shed.
After gently kissing a few times, Jesse and Lisa become more passionate - but as he is kissing her between her breasts, Freddy's thick, green snake-like tongue protrudes six inches out of his mouth. Startled, he quickly covers his mouth, and ceases love-making. He scrambles to leave, perplexing Lisa by his sudden exit. Jesse proceeds to Grady's house and asks: "I need you to let me stay here tonight." Scared and "all messed up," Jesse admits to killing Coach Schneider. He explains how he had been possessed recently by "something inside of me...Something is trying to get inside my body."
Grady replies: "Yeah, and she's female, and she's waiting for you in the cabana, and you wanna sleep with me." Jesse asks for help - enlisting Grady to watch over him as he sleeps. As Jesse sleeps, Grady also falls asleep (although warned not to), allowing Freddy to inhabit Jesse's body. Jesse sits up and yells to Grady: "It's starting to happen again." He doubles over in pain, as razor-talons grow from his fingertips. When opening his mouth to scream, we see Freddy's eyeball peering out. The imprint of Freddy's face stretches out from his gut and tears away his skin.
Jesse's body falls away as Freddy steps out, birthed out of his torso. He gives Grady an evil smile and puts on his hat, then grabs Grady's neck and lifts him off the floor, before plunging his gloved, knived right hand into his midsection and impaling him on his own locked bedroom door - the sharp blades extend through the door to the other side.
When the blood-splattered Jesse looks in a full-length mirror, he sees Freddy Krueger staring back at him. He screams at the demonic, mocking Freddy: "You son of a bitch. You killed him." Jesse removes the glove from his hand and hurls it at the mirror, cracking it, although Freddy's image remains. He flees from the house and runs back to Lisa's pool party, where he admits to her that he killed Grady and Schneider. He explains how Freddy has taken control of his body. She tries to rationalize away everything, but Jesse argues how he had also almost killed his sister.
Freddy's demonic spirit begins to invade the party: the pool water heats up, a platter of hot dogs explode like firecrackers, and the pull-tabs on the tops on beer cans pop open. In the study of Lisa's house, she reads the last entry in Nancy's diary to Jesse: "He is evil itself. I know now that I brought him into my world. We all did. Gave him all the energy he needed. Our screams were all he needed." Although Jesse fears: "Oh God, he's coming back," Lisa urges him to fight back: "You created him. You can destroy him...He is living off of your fear...He doesn't even exist."
Freddy's party favors continue: locks throughout the house are activated, the water in the aquarium tank boils and cracks the glass, the television sparks, and the outdoor party's Japanese lanterns power-surge and burst. Freddy emerges in the study, vowing that he is Jesse: "He's can't fight me. I'm him," and attacks Lisa. As she scrambles away, he grabs her leg and bites her bare calf. When she threatens Freddy with a large butcher knife, she hears Jesse's voice pleading from within the monstrous creature: "Kill me, Lisa. Please kill me."
She plunges the knife into the shoulder of the mocking character, as she hears Jesse tell her: "I love you, Lisa" - Freddy stops before killing her, but throws her against the wall. Freddy dives through the patio doors and crashes up through the concrete surrounding the pool area. The pool water is now bubbling and boiling, as he randomly slashes a teenager. The metal fence enclosing the pool is heated to scorching temperatures, cornering the fleeing teens.
Two pool party guests fall into the boiling pool in the chaotic stampede to escape Freddy, after which the surface of the pool bursts into flames. Another female is blocked by a wall of flames and falls into some bushes, where she is engulfed in flames. A male guest is trampled to death by the crowd, when his neck is stepped on. Another male is stabbed in the chest by Freddy and bleeds to death. And finally, one brave 'do-gooder' male tries to talk Freddy Krueger down by asking him to be calm and relax - he is thrown across the pool deck and smashes into the gas grill.
In front of a huge column of fire, Freddy extends his arms and exclaims: "You are all my children now!" Lisa's father aims his shotgun at Freddy, but his first shot misses - and Lisa pushes down the gun barrel to save Jesse from being killed with the second shot. Freddy/Jesse vanishes into a wall of fire at the backyard fence.
For the final showdown against Freddy/Jesse, and to help rescue Jesse, Lisa drives to the abandoned, haunted factory, where she has to first pass, showing no fear, by a pair of growling, threatening wild dogs with mutant, slimy, unnatural faces/heads. She cautiously walks in, and notices that black ants have momentarily invaded the wound on her leg caused by Freddy's bite. Proceeding along the catwalks and on ladders, she is confronted by Freddy/Jesse, who raises his taloned hand at her: "Come to me, Lisa." She speaks directly to Jesse inside of him: "Jesse, I know you're in there. Stop him!"
When she is grabbed and he threatens to kill her, she vows: "I love you, Jesse," to weaken Freddy's power and cause his wounds to drip real blood. While ignoring Freddy's maniacal threats and assertions that Jesse is dead, she thwarts Freddy with a firm and angry statement: "I am not afraid of you. He's in there and I want him back. I'm gonna take him away from you, and you are gonna go straight back to hell, you son-of-a-bitch!...Come back to me, Jesse. I love you. Come back to me."
To help Jesse fight off Freddy from the inside, through the power of love, she strengthens Jesse as Freddy loses control: "He can't hold you, Jesse. He's losing his grip. You can get out." She grabs Freddy, removes his hat, strokes his head, presses her lips toward him and kisses him, even as Freddy asserts: "He'll die with both of us."
Freddy pushes her away, as the pipes and railings in the factory catch on fire, and he is consumed in the flames, melting his flesh and causing his demise. After Freddy dies in a smoldering mass, the flames around him slowly extinguish. The charred corpse suddenly moves -- Jesse emerges from Freddy's blackened and singed ashes. Lisa tenderly cradles Jesse in her arms.
Soon after, Jesse (with bandaged arms) kisses his mother goodbye and cheerfully leaves his house to return to school. He is picked up at the curb by a yellow school bus. He sits with Lisa, and tells her: "I can't believe it's actually all over." The bus begins to speed up, and Jesse is the only one who agitatedly senses there might be a problem.
He yells at the driver to stop, although nothing is wrong as they came to their next stop. After he apologizes to Lisa for his fear, and Lisa's friend Kerry in the seat behind him assures: "It's OK, it's all over," Freddy's clawed razor glove-hand bursts from Kerry's chest, with the sound of his maniacal laugh. The runaway bus careens off the main road into an open desert landscape, as in Jesse's opening nightmare.