Showroom: Grant, Ellie, and Malcom take their seats in the front row of the fifty seat auditorium. Gennaro sits behind them. Hammond walks over to the giant screen in front of them. Behind him, a huge image of himself beams down at him from the giant television screen. Realizing he has lines in this show, he fumbles with his three by five cards. He scans them, looking for his place. The screen Hammond continues without him. He talks to the screen-Hammond . . .
Hammond: I'll need a drop of blood.
The screen-Hammond extends his finger and the stage-Hammond reaches out and mimes pocking it with a needle. While the two Hammonds rattle on, the screen image splits into two Hammonds, then four then eight, and so on, like a shampoo commercial. Grant, Ellie, and Malcolm huddle together excitedly in the audience. They are discussing how did they get 100 million year old dinosaur blood.
In the film: the screen-Hammond is joined by another figure, this one animated. Mr. DNA is a cartoon character, a happy-go-lucky double-helix strand of recombinant DNA. Mr. DNA jumps down onto the screen-Hammond's shoulder.
Mr. DNA has taken over the show, and is speaking to the audience from the screen. A DNA strand is a blueprint for building a living thing.
And sometimes animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for humans to find, they just had to know where to look. The screen image changes from animated to a nature-photography look. It's an extreme close-up of a mosquito, its needle stuck deep into some animal's flesh, its body pulsing and engorging with blood it's drinking.
A hundred million years ago, there were mosquitoes, just like today. And, just like today, they fed on the blood of animals. Even dinosaurs. The camera races back to show the mosquito is perched on top of a giant animated brachiosaur. The image changes, to another close-up, this one of a tree branch, its bark glistening with golden sap.
Sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on a branch of a tree, and get stuck in the sap. The engorged mosquito lands in the tree sap, and gets stuck. Now the tree sap flows over them, covering up the mosquito completely. After a long time, the tree sap would get hard and become fossilized, just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside.
The fossilized tree sap -- which they call amber, waited millions of years, with the mosquito inside until Jurassic Park's scientists came along.
A science laboratory, the place buzzes with activity. Everywhere, there are piles of amber, tagged and labeled with scientists in white coats examining it under microscopes. One scientist moves a complicated drill apparatus next to the chuck of amber with a fossilized mosquito inside and bores into the side of it. Mr. DNA escapes through the drill hole as the Scientist moves the amber onto a microscope and peers through the eyepiece.
Through the microscope, we see the greatly enlarged image of a mosquito through the lens. Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, a long needle is inserted through the amber, into the thorax of the mosquito, and makes an extraction -- Dino DNA.
A full DNA strand contains three billion genetic codes. Since the DNA IS so old, it's full of holes. That's where their geneticists take over. In a Genetics Lab, scientists toil in a lab with two huge white towers at either side. Thinking Machine supercomputers and gene sequencers break down the strand in minutes - - One scientist, in the back has his arms encased in two long rubber tubes.
He's strapped into a bizarre apparatus, staring into a complex headpiece and moving his arms gently, like Tai Chi movements. Virtual Reality displays show their geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence.
Since most animal DNA is ninety percent identical, they used the complete DNA of a frog - - On the V.R. display, we see an actual DNA strand, except it has a big hole in the center, where the vital information is missing.
Mr. DNA bounds into the frame, carrying a butch of letters in one hand. He puts it in the gap and turns back against it, grunting as he shoves into place. They filled in the holes to complete code, Now they can make a dinosaur.
And the tour moves on: Hammond throws a switch and safety bars appear out of nowhere and drop over their seats, clicking into place. The row of seats moves out of the auditorium. The row of seats moves slowly past a row of double-panned glass window beneath a large sign that reads "Genetics/Fertilization/Hatchery." Inside, technicians work at microscopes. In the back is a section entirely lit by blue ultraviolet light.
Mr. DNA voice continues over a speaker in each seat. The fertilization department is where the dinosaur DNA takes the place of the DNA in unfertilized emu or ostrich eggs -- and then it's on to the nursery. Gennaro has a wondrous grin plastered on his face, just loving everything now.
Gennaro [pointing at the scientists in the lab]: This is overwhelming, John. Are these characters... auto-erotica?
Hammond: No, no, no. We have no animatronics here. These are the real miracle workers of Jurassic Park.
Grant, Ellie, and Malcom are frustrated, leaning forward, straining against the safety bars for a better look. But the cars keep going. They have questions regarding the hatchery, but the cars are already moving on to another set of windows, which give a glimpse into what looks like a control room.
Grant strains to look back into the labs, but the cars move past again, no intention of slowing down. The three team up on the safety bars. Grant shoves his all the way back with one foot and Malcolm does the same. They stand up and head for the door of the hatchery to the protests of Gennaro.