Many thanks to these devoted Halloween and Horror sites! Their generosity in providing chilling audio and visual web accessories was a great help in developing my online haunted castle. Please check out their creepy sites.
Other images used on this site were obtained from As a member, I have rights to use their available images on my website. You do not have the legal right to copy and display these images on your website, you must become a member to use these images. Original images I created are also copyright protected and you cannot use these images without my written permission.
Comments about this site from our visitors . . .
"A really cool virtual haunted castle. Great music and graphics plus oodles of possible routes to get lost in
with mini-games and puzzles around every corner. A lot of work went into this. I really was impressed, I spent quite a while at the castle and I think I barely scratched the surface. But I'm determined to go back and try some other paths."
Michael /
"A virtual trip thru some seriously haunted halls!"
Chad /
"Your site looks really cool. The Lab of the Insane Surgeons has a very Silent Hill feeling to it. I'm a fan, so that was cool to me."
Ray /
"We LOVE your spooky website!! We found your site through a web search and it’s great!"
Michelle /
"You have put in a LOT of time on this. It's great!"
Christine /
"Your site is fun and cool. Awesome!"
Kevin /
"I LOVED playing your Haunted Castle game adventure, played it for almost two hours!"
Larry /
Thrilling new music has been added to the Haunted Castle adventure courtesy of NoxArcana, Hedstorm Productions, Gore-Galore, and other talented artists of dark music. I purchased right of use for this music, do not copy any of it from this site. All music provided by these online services are copyright protected.
Ambient Music courtesy of Kevin MacLeod,
Other Site graphics and audio clips credits: