Crimson Peak - 2015 | Story and Screenshots

This story presentation includes some dialogue.

There, Lady Lucille, who has already seemed cold and distant towards Edith despite her charming brother's demeanor and her apparent warmth for her brother, becomes even more cruel and controlling of Edith even denying her a copy of the keys to the rooms of the house itself.

Edith is taking a bath and playing with the dog when she is visited by a ghastly blood coated apparition. Later, Thomas brings her tea to calm her nerves. She notices the tea is a little bitter. Later in the piano room, Edith and Lucille discuss a painting of the Sharpes' mother.

Edith: She looks quite . . .

Lucille: Horrible?

Edith: Yes.

Lucille: It's an excellent likeness.

Edith becomes inconsolable after visits by other ghosts begin to terrify her, but Lucille firmly insists that she stays.

As Edith's inquiries about the house's and the family's histories begin to become more vocal, ghosts begin to appear all the more, beckoning her to the mines below.

She runs to Thomas to tell her of the dead woman in the corridor, but he sees nothing. By now she is frantic and wants to leave, but Lucille still insist she stays and bring her more 'bitter' tea.

Despite a warning from her husband, who is awaiting the fortune of the late Carter Cushing, who is revealed to have been killed by Lucille, Edith ventures into the attic where the two siblings were holed up by their abusive mother and to the rendering vats below in the mines where she uncovers the decaying corpse of Sir Thomas's last victim.

Thomas and Lucille have been using the inheritance of brides whose families lost their patriarch to fund Thomas's inventive efforts.

It is revealed that the siblings conspired both to murder the holder of the fortune if necessary and then the woman herself.

It is also revealed that Thomas has an incestuous relationship with his sister who seduced him at a young age and that Lucille also conspired to free them and 'never be apart' by killing their own mother who had discovered the siblings' sexual relationship.

Left with the house to tend to, the two clung to their cursed surroundings and began the plots of marriage and slaying out of necessity. Sir Thomas has truly fallen in love with Edith, however, and cannot this time bring himself to do the deed.

Insane with jealousy and greed, Lucille loses her calm demeanor and becomes a feral killer.

McMichael arrives to take Edith back to New York only to be stabbed and wounded terribly by a knife-wielding Lucille.

Edith: You're a monster! Both of you!

Lucille: Funny. That's the last thing Mother said, too.

Realizing that his wife is in mortal danger, Thomas helps Edith escape the house and is killed by Lucille in the process, dying the better man he had always wished to be.

Lucille has her and Alan cornered behind a crimson vat when she uncovers a large cleaver.

Lucille: Before they put me away, I have a little souveneir from mother.

Edith becomes enraged that the man she loved was so corrupted by Lucille and herself strikes back with an equally large butcher knife.

The two women battle one another intensely with Lucille doing considerable bloody damage, but ultimately being slain by Edith herself.

Leaving the corpse of Lucille, Edith returns to the house and rescues McMichael.

Edith: [narrating] Ghosts are real. This much, I know. There are things that tie them to a place, very much like they do us. Some remain tethered to a patch of land. A time and date. The spilling of blood. A terrible crime. But there are others. Others that hold onto an emotion. A drive. Loss. Revenge. Or love. Those, they never go away.

The two escape to a nearby city while the film reveals the images of the Sharpe siblings' ghosts now residing in the home.

Lucille continues to play the piano and seems to have her eyes filled with hate while the once charming Sir Thomas is steeped in sorrow and shame.

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