Pitch Black

The Chronicles of Riddick

Rule the Dark


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The Purifier gives him a message from the Lord Marshal (in case he survived the attack): he will no longer be hunted so long as he stays away from Helion.

The Purifier then reveals to Riddick that he too is Furyan, and that Vaako will report Riddick as dead.

The ex-Furian gives Riddick a Furian knife, then commits suicide by walking out into the scorching heat after he encourages Riddick to save Kyra and kill the Lord Marshal.

In Toombs' spacecraft, Riddick heads to Helion to take on the Lord Marshal and find Kyra.

On Helion Prime, believing Riddick dead as told by Vaako, the Lord Marshal promotes Vaako to first among Commanders.

Riddick, disguised in Necromonger armor, infiltrates the main hall, but Dame Vaako sees him.

However, she encourages her husband to let Riddick strike first to wound the Lord Marshal and pave the way for Vaako to kill him and if he is at all successful, Vaako can finish him off and sieze power.

When Riddick approaches to strike, the Lord Marshal presents Kyra, who appears to have converted, now a Necro. The Lord Marshall offers Riddick one last chance to join them.

Instead, Riddick attacks Lord Marshal, who is unstoppable with his unnatural powers. Riddick is nearly killed before Kyra - apparently not all Necro yet - spears the Lord Marshal in the back.

The Lord Marshal returns the favour and impales her on a spike jutting from a tall column.

Seeing the opportunity, Vaako makes his move to strike, he grabs an axe and swoops in to finish off the Lord Marshal, but Riddick kills him first with the Furian knife. Kyra, dies in Riddick's arms.

Riddick collapses on the Necro throne, and the Necromongers kneel before Riddick, their new leader.

SFMZ Webmaster Note / June 21, 2013: I pulled from the combined resources below to help piece together the detailed plot. However, there's really no extensive decription of the story available online. So the majority of the detailed plot desciptive is written by me. If you have any modifications you would like to suggest, I welcome you to use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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Resources: wikipedia.org, imdb.com, script-o-rama.com

Pitch Black

The Chronicles of Riddick

Rule the Dark

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