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1981 Text Only Script

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Script by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples | Novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' by Philip K. Dick

This enhanced version has adjusted the script to fit more accurately to the film's presentation

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Early in the 21st century, THE TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the Nexus phase - a being virtually identical to a human - known as a Replicant.

The Nexus 6 Replicants were superior in strength and agility, and at least equal in intelligence, to the genetic engineers who created them.

Replicants were used Off-world as slave labor, in the hazardous exploration and colonization of other planets.

After a bloody mutiny by a Nexus 6 combat team in an Off-world colony, Replicants were declared illegal on earth - under penalty of death.

Special police squads - BLADE RUNNER UNITS - had orders to shoot to kill, upon detection, any trespassing Replicant.

This was not called execution. It was called retirement.

FADE IN TO EXT. HADES - DUSK: We are moving toward the Tyrell Corporation across a vast plain of industrialization filled with menacing shapes on the horizon.

Towering exhaust stacks are belching flames five hundred feet into the sky the color of cigar ash.

Zooming into front and center are gigantic twin buildings, like small mountains they are so massive.

The camera slowly zooms closer to the large complex similar to a futuristic pyramid covered with thousands of lights.

The sheer size suggests it has several hundred floor levels.

Flying vehicles known as Spinners are zipping around the large pyramid.

The camera moves toward wide window panels in the large pyramid-shaped building.

The panoramic view of L.A.'s landscape of Hades is reflected in the eye. The eye is magnified and deeply revealed. Flecks of green and yellow in a field of milky blue. Icy filaments surround the undulating center.

CUT TO INT. PYRAMID: A man smoking a cigarette is standing in a haze filled office gazing out the window.


INTERCOM (FEMALE VOICE) : Next subject, Kowalski, Leon, engineer, waste disposal, file section, new employees, six days.

Leon knocks.

HOLDEN: Come in.

Holden sits down and activates the Voight-Kampff device. Leon walks to the other end of the table but pauses to sit.

HOLDEN: Sit down.

Leon is big, like an overstuffed kid. He's dressed in a warehouseman's uniform and his pudgy hands are folded expectantly in his lap. Despite the obvious heat, he looks very cool.

Voight-Kampff device: The instrument is no bigger than a music box and sits on a table between the two men.

On the metallic surface below, the words VOIGHT-KAMPFF are finely etched. There's a touch-light panel across the top and on the side of the screen.

An additional small screen registers fluctuation of the iris. The Voight-Kampff is a polygraph-like machine used by Blade Runners to assist in the testing of an individual to determine if they are a replicant. It measures bodily functions such as respiration, "blush response", heart rate, and eye movement in response to emotionally provocative questions.

At the rear of the instrument is an accordian type apparatus expanding and collapsing.

The man facing Leon is lean, hollow-cheeked, and dressed in grey. Detached and efficient, he looks like a cop or an accountant. His name is Holden and he's all business, except for the sweat on his face.

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