Isabelle turns to the group.
ISABELLE: Look, we can get some ropes from one of the chutes.
EDWIN: Do something!
Royce shoots the parachute ropes and branch, Edwin drops into a creek.
Isabelle gives Royce a look.
ROYCE: Taking too long.
Edwin in the water, is hollering for help, then realizes it's no deeper than up to his waist.
STANS: Who the hell are you?
EDWIN: I'm a doctor. I was on my way to work. . . Can someone please just tell me . . . what the fuck is going on here?
As they move on, Isabelle pauses and turns back to Stans. Stans freezes and blurts out . . . .
STANS: Your ass is awesome.
She rolls her eyes and moves on.
Traveling further through the jungle, they finally see Hanzo.
STANS: Got damn, who the hell is this guy?
Motionless, he's staring at a bizarre site, a structure unknown to them with skulls and bones at the base.
ROYCE: What the hell is that?
ISABELLE: Who would do this?
MOMBASA: Whoever they are, they take trophies. In my culture, the warrior with the greatest trophies command the most respect.
STANS: Whatever.
NIKOLAI: It's a test. To see how we do under pressure.
ISABELLE: If this were a test, you would all be military, total strangers. Something else.
CUCHILLO: Maybe it's ransom. Back in Tijuana, we kidnap you, put you in the wardrobe. If the ransom is not paid, we light you on fire.
STANS: I hear these stories about these experiments they run on Cons. They stick drugs in your food and they sit back and watch what happens.
EDWIN: It's not drugs. If it was a psycho-tropic compound, we would be feeling residual side effects, loss of motor skills, blurry vision. And if it was a behavioral experiment, I mean there would be a point.
MOMBASA: What if we are dead?
STANS: I was going to be executed
NIKOLAI: And I was in combat.
MOMBASA: So was I.
CUCHILLO: This is hell.
Royce scoffs at the notion . . .
ROYCE: Last time I looked, you didn't need a parachute to get there. . . Look, it doesn't matter what happened . . . or why . . . we're here. The only question is, how do we get out.
Royce heads off.
ISABELLE: Where are you going?
ROYCE: To high ground.
ISABELLE: We should stick together.
ROYCE: Then you should be following me.
Nikolai notices an exotic plant, he stops to reach for it.
EDWIN: Uh yea, I wouldn't do that.
Edwin pulls out a folding scalpel from a small pouch and dips it into the plant, pulling back a sample of thick liquid.
EDWIN: Yup, Arcostructus Leonagensus. That is really, really poisonous. It wouldn't take more than one scratch, cause total paralysis.
NIKOLAI: Thank you, I'll watch for you out here.
ISABELLE: You made a buddy.