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A pentagonal perimeter fence encloses the large human complex on Pandora. Major weapons towers at each apex provide heavy munitions defense against surface and air intrusions by large hostile Pandoran wildlife, while four smaller towers spaced along each side handle intrusions by smaller life forms, including burrowing attacks.

A cleared thirty-meter strip wide surrounds the base, regularly patrolled by automatic plant-clearing machinery that keeps the jungle at bay through regular administration of acidic mining by-products.

Slightly more than a third of the site is taken up by the shuttle runway, VTOL pads and associated support facilities; a similar area is occupied by vehicle storage, the armor vault and light industrial plant mainly used for fabricating parts for mining equipment and ammunition for base defense.

Administrative structures, a barracks for SecOps staff, studio-style apartments for technicians and mine workers, and an airtight condominium for senior staff occupy the remainder of Hell's Gate.

Recreational facilities such as the base commissary (popularly known as Hell's Kitchen) are shared, except for an unpressurised section between the research labs and the landing zone mainly used by members of the avatar program for athletic training and field sports.

Every piece of human machinery used on Pandora must be made at the Stereolithography plant. Stereolithography is a form of 3D printing which allows the humans to construct practically anything they want as long as they have raw materials.

The limited ability of the plant to construct advanced computers is one of the reasons why the humans were not able to use up-to-date technology in their vehicles. If machinery is in need of an update, the blueprints must be brought on an ISV so the plant has a template for the construction.

Another thing that must be brought on a starship is some of the more advanced materials used to make the objects, most raw materials are however collected on Pandora

Facility Descriptions from the 2007 Script

"HELL’S GATE is a cluster of squat concrete and steel structures surrounded by chain-link FENCE 10 meters high, topped with razor wire. At the corners are towers with automated SENTRY GUNS swiveling on servo mounts. They jog across the exposed apron toward a walkway covered in CHAINLINK which leads to the complex."


Hell's Gate

Welcome to Hell's Gate! Okay listen up marine - This is the RDA compound on Pandora. It functions as our base of operations and housing for all human activities on Pandora.

The corporate suits gave it the fancy title of “Resources Development Administration Extra-Solar Colony 01,” but us jarheads know it as Hell’s Gate. This compound is under a constant state of siege because of toxic environment and dangerous animals.


Located near the Armor Bay and Sec-Ops barracks, the RDA Operations Center (RDA ESC 01) occupies the largest building in the main Hell's Gate administration complex. It is the nexus for communications and operational control on Pandora. Fortified tunnels connect the center to the communications array, with three large antennae and a space resonator for communications outside the local system, and five smaller antennae for accessing Pandora-net communications and geo-location satellites.

At the heart of the OPS Center is the control room, where a continuously updated holo-table display gives a summary of conditions over the entire Hell's Gate facility and much of Pandora, including Hometree, the center of the Omaticaya Clan of the indigenous population, the Na'vi. Supervisors monitor all mining, refining, transport, and security conditions on Pandora, as well as conduct flight tracking from the control room.

Ample reinforced windows give the control room a spectacular panoramic view from the plateau where the base is situated. Outside the complex, the local rivers are used for both cooling and disposal of waste, to the distant hills beyond. There is an office used by Parker Selfridge inside the control room; it is currently decorated with various Na'vi artifacts and a large RDA logo. The OPS center also serves as meeting rooms and living quarters used by RDA executive staff.

Facility Descriptions from the Original Scriptment

"They fly over what looks like a small refinery. This is the DEUTERIUM PLANT, an automated facility for extracting the heavy isotope of hydrogen from the local water supply.

The deuterium is used to fuel the fusion engines of the starships for their homeward flight, as well as to run the base generators and the shuttles. The shuttle makes its turn on final approach. We get our first look at the human colony, called HELL'S GATE.

It looks like a giant cookie cutter took a chunk out of the rainforest... a disk of naked ground two miles across where the trees were razed and the earth scraped bare. Nearby, connected by a broad gravel road, is a gaping wound in the earth, a strip mine where metal ores for construction are extracted. At the corners of the complex are concrete towers, their tops bristling with searchlights, scanning gear, and automated SENTRY GUNS. At the center of the cleared circle of Hell's Gate is a cluster of squat concrete and steel structures.

Surrounding the central complex are two high fences of thick chainlink, one within the other, with concertina wire at the top. The whole thing is electrified. Quaritch tells Josh he can use him in SECFOR. The ops center and the armory are understaffed. ON HIS WAY TO SCIMOD Josh gets a look at the base from the inside. There are six primary modules, laid out along a central trunk called the UTILIDOR, through which all foot traffic, and all utility lines and conduits run. This has two levels, the subterranean one being narrower and primarily an access-way for maintenance.

CONMOD is the control module, containing communications, administration, flight control, dispatch, and SECFOR command. HABMOD is the quarters, and also contains the laundry, food services, gym, and recreation areas. They pass GENMOD (power) and STORMOD (storage), as well as the vehicle maintenance module, called simply the GARAGE."

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