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Rogue One

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Solo's ship moves in toward the Death Star trench. Solo, smiling, speaks to Luke over his headset mike.

HAN: (into mike) You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home!

Luke concentrates on the exhaust port, then fires his laser torpedoes.

Luke's torpedoes shoot toward the port and seems to simply disappear into the surface and not explode. But the shots do find their mark and have gone into the exhaust port and are heading for the main reactor. Luke throws his head back in relief.

DEATH STAR: An Imperial soldier runs to the control panel board and pulls the attack lever as the board behind him lights up.

INTERCOM VOICE: Stand by to fire at Rebel base.

Two X-wings, a Y-wing, and the pirateship race away from the impending explosion.

DEATH STAR: Several Imperial soldiers, flanking a pensive Grand Moff Tarkin, busily push control levers and buttons.

INTERCOM VOICE: Standing by.

The rumble of a distant explosion begins. The Rebel ships race out of sight, leaving the moon-like Death Star alone against a blanket of stars. Several small flashes appear on the surface.

The Death Star bursts into a supernova, creating a spectacular heavenly display.

HAN: Great shot, kid. That was one in a million.

Luke is at ease, and his eyes are closed.

BEN'S VOICE: Remember, the Force will be with you...always.

The ship rocks back and forth.

Vader's ship spins off into space.

The Rebel ships race toward the fourth moon of Yavin.

MASSASSI OUTPOST - MAIN HANGAR: Luke climbs out of his starship fighter and is cheered by a throng of ground crew and pilots. Luke climbs down the ladder as they all welcome him with laughter, cheers, and shouting. Princess Leia rushes toward him.

LEIA: Luke! Luke! Luke!

She throws her arms around Luke and hugs him as they dance around in a circle. Solo runs in toward Luke and they embrace one another, slapping each other on the back.

HAN: (laughing) Hey! Hey!

LUKE: (laughing) I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!

HAN: Well, I wasn't gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward.

Luke and Han look at one another, as Solo playfully shoves at Luke's face. Leia moves in between them.

LEIA: (laughing) Hey, I knew there was more to you than money.

Luke looks toward the ship.

LUKE: Oh, no!

The fried little Artoo-Detoo is lifted off the back of the fighter and carried off under the worried eyes of Threepio.

THREEPIO: Oh, my! Artoo! Can you hear me? Say something! (to mechanic) You can repair him, can't you?

TECHNICIAN: We'll get to work on him right away.

THREEPIO: You must repair him! Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them.

LUKE: He'll be all right.

MASSASSI OUTPOST - MAIN THRONE ROOM: Luke, Han, and Chewbacca enter the huge ruins of the main temple.

Hundreds of troops are lined up in neat rows and banners are flying.

At the far end stands a vision in white, the young Senator LeiaLeia is dressed in a long white dress and is staggeringly beautiful.

Luke and the others solemnly march up the long aisle and stand before Senator Leia.

Dodonna and several other dignitaries stand near Princess Leia. She places a gold medallion around Han's neck. He winks at her. She then repeats the ceremony with Luke, who is moved by the event.

From one side of the temple marches a shined-up and fully repaired Artoo-Detoo. He waddles up to the group and stands next to an equally pristine Threepio, who is rather awestruck by the whole event.

They turn and face the assembled troops, who all bow before them. Chewbacca growls and Artoo beeps with happiness.



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