Light from a distant sun creates an eerie atmospheric glow around a huge planet, Yavin. Rebel fighters flying in formation settle ominously in the foreground and very slowly pull away.
RED LEADER STARSHIP: Red Leader lowers his visor and adjusts his gun sights, looking to each side at his wing men.
RED LEADER: All wings report in.
RED TEN: Red Ten standing by.
Biggs checks his fighter's controls, alert and ready for combat.
RED SEVEN: (over Biggs' headset) Red Seven standing by.
BIGGS: Red Three standing by.
PORKINS: Red Six standing by.
RED NINE: (over headset) Red Nine standing by.
WEDGE: Red Two standing by.
RED ELEVEN: (over headset) Red Eleven standing by.
LUKE: Red Five standing by.
LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER: Artoo-Detoo, in position outside of the fighter, turns his head from side to side and makes beeping sounds.
RED LEADER: Lock S-foils in attack position.
The group of X-wing fighters move in formation toward the Death Star, unfolding the wings and locking them in the "X" position.
RED LEADER: (over headset) We're passing through their magnetic field. . . . . Hold tight!
Luke adjusts his controls as he concentrates on the approaching Death Star. The ship begins to be buffeted slightly.
RED LEADER: (over headset) Switch your deflectors on. . . . . Double front.
The fighters, now X-shaped darts, move in formation. The Death Star now appears to be a small moon growing rapidly in size as the Rebel fighters approach. Complex patterns on the metallic surface begin to become visible. A large dish antenna is built into the surface on one side.
Wedge is amazed and slightly frightened at the awesome spectacle.
WEDGE: Look at the size of that thing!
RED LEADER: (over headset) Cut the chatter, Red Two. . . . . Accelerate to attack speed. This is it, boys!
SPACE: As the fighters move closer to the Death Star, the awesome size of the gargantuan Imperial fortress is revealed. Half of the deadly space station is in shadow and this area sparkles with thousands of small lights running in thin lines and occasionally grouped in large clusters; somewhat like a city at night as seen from a weather satellite.
GOLD LEADER: Red Leader, this is Gold Leader.
RED LEADER: (over headset) I copy, Gold Leader.
GOLD LEADER: We're starting for the target shaft now.
RED LEADER'S COCKPIT: Red Leader looks around at his wingmen; the Death Star looming in from behind. Two Y-wing fighters bob back and forth in the background. He moves his computer targeting device into position.
RED LEADER: We're in position. I'm going to cut across the axis and try and draw their fire.
Two squads of Rebel fighters peel off. The X-wings dive towards the Death Star surface. A thousand lights glow across the dark grey expanse of the huge station.
DEATH STAR: Alarm sirens scream as soldiers scramble to large turbo-powered laser gun emplacements. Electronic drivers rotate the huge guns into position as crew adjust their targeting devices.
Laserbolts streak through the star-filled night. The Rebel X-wing fighters move in toward the Imperial base, as the Death Star aims its massive laser guns at the Rebel forces and fires.
MASSASSI OUTPOST - WAR ROOM: Princess Leia listens to the battle over the intercom. Threepio is at her side.
WEDGE: (over war room speaker system) Heavy fire, boss! Twenty-degrees.
RED LEADER: (over speaker) I see it. Stay low.
An X-wing zooms across the surface of the Death Star.
DEATH STAR: Technical crews scurry here and there loading last-minute armaments and unlocking power cables.
WEDGE'S COCKPIT: Wedge maneuvers his fighter toward the menacing Death Star. X-wings continue in their attack course on the Death Star.
LUKE'S X-WING FIGHTER - COCKPIT: Luke nosedives radically, starting his attack on the monstrous fortress. The Death Star surface streaks past the cockpit window.
LUKE: This is Red Five; I'm going in!
Luke's X-wing races toward the Death Star. Laserbolts streak from Luke's weapons, creating a huge fireball explosion on the dim surface. Terror crosses Luke's face as he realizes he won't be able to pull out in time to avoid the fireball.
BIGGS: (over headset) Luke, pull up!
SURFACE OF DEATH STAR: Luke's ship emerges from the fireball, with the leading edges of his wings slightly scorched.
BIGGS: Are you all right?
Luke adjusts his controls and breathes a sigh of relief. Flak bursts outside the cockpit window.
LUKE: I got a little cooked, but I'm okay.