The panicked residents, along with the infected, are allowed onto the streets of the Green Zone. The snipers are told to kill everyone. Scarlet and Tammy make it into a storehouse along with Andy and a few others, including one of the snipers, Doyle (Jeremy Renner), who abandoned his post when he could not bring himself to kill Andy.
He tells them that the Army will kill them too unless they can escape the city. He leads the survivors through the streets. Unbeknownst to them, Don is following. Doyle makes contact with a friendly helicopter pilot, Flynn (Harold Perrineau), who tells them to get out of the Green Zone as soon as possible, as the area is to be firebombed.
They make it into a pedestrian tunnel under the river and barely escape the firestorm. Meanwhile, about fifty other infected survive the firestorm and break through the perimeter of the Green Zone into London.
Doyle and his group make it to a park and rest. Scarlet tells him that Tammy and Andy could provide a cure for the rage virus and thus are more important than either Scarlet or Doyle. Flynn radios Doyle to wait for the helicopter in Regents Park. When he arrives, Flynn refuses to take anyone other than Doyle.
But when the infected appear, he flies his helicopter into the throng, eviscerating many of them. Doyle and Scarlet take Tammy and Andy into the city. They are to meet Flynn at Wembley Stadium, where he will fly them to safety on the other side of the English Channel.
The four of them dodge the infected. Soldiers are killing the infected with poison gas and flamethrowers. Scarlet and Doyle know the Army will assume they are infected and kill them all, too. Scarlet, Tammy and Andy get into a car. Scarlet pops the clutch while Doyle pushes the car, jump starting it. As they drive away, the soldiers incinerate Doyle.
Avoiding helicopters, Scarlet drives the car into a subway station. They decide to follow the train tracks to Wembley. Because it is pitch dark, Scarlet uses the night-sight on Doyle's rifle to guide them, but they are separated when Tammy and Andy trip over corpses on the escalator.
Tammy and Scarlet try to find Andy but suddenly Don appears and beats Scarlet to death with Doyle's rifle. He then pursues Andy, tackles him and bites him. Tammy shoots Don and saves Andy, who is immune like his mother, but is covered in infected blood.
The children continue to Wembley Stadium and meet Flynn. He can't bring himself to shoot two children, so he flies them across the English Channel and out of Britain.
No one alive knows that Andy is immune but can still infect others. The Rage virus has now been transported off the British island, out of the natural containment which for 28 weeks has kept the virus from spreading.
Cut to 28 days later. A crashed helicopter with the radio receiving a message of distress from a man with a French accent. Then a crowd of infected run through a subway tunnel, they emerge into the light, they run towards the Eiffel Tower.