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Starship Troopers - 1997 | Enhanced Script Presentation

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The explosion collapses the entrance to the bug city and destroys the Warrior Bugs.

Birdie (on Radio): We're under heavy attack, position M-4. Get over here!

Sugar: Move!

Johnny and the other Troopers join Birdie's group.

Johnny: You got a bug problem, ma'am?

Birdie: Stow it, Trooper!

Tango Urilla Mountains: Bugs boil out of the ground. The CAP Troopers let the Bugs have it, but the insects keep coming, the living crawling over the dead, and now, trudging up out of the ground, comes a Tanker Bug.

Johnny: Tanker!

Birdie: Oh, shit!

Johnny: Come on, move! . . . Get down!

The tanker bug starts to spray, creating a toxic perimeter around the hole. Rasczak arrives just as Birdie takes a chemical hit. The flames melt off her arm.


Rasczak shoves her to safety. Johnny climbs a ridge and jumps, landing on top the Tanker Bug's back. He cracks its armor with his pulse rifle. The Tanker Bug is spinning frantically, Johnny manages to hang on, holding onto the hole he created in the Bug's shell.

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Screenplay by Edward Neumeier. Based on the novel by Robert Heinlein

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