House on Haunted Hill - 1959 | Story and Screenshots

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Not the one to just sit and wait, Lance goes exploring, despite David's claim that anyone who leaves their room must be guilty. He approaches and opens the same curtain Nora had earlier. He checks the wall and finds a secret passage. He enters the dark area, the door slides shut behind him. Then we hear a pounding on a door.

Back in her room, Nora paces, the storm is building in momentum, the lights are flickering off, the now only lit by the strobing lightning.

She freezes when she see a rope pop into the window and snake its way through the room and curls around her feet. In the window, she sees Annabelle 'floating' towards her.

Nora: No.

The rope twirls around her ankles. . . and then the scene reverses, Annabelle floats back and the rope returns through the window.

Nora: No.

She rushes over to the cabinet and grabs her gun. Nora races out of the room and down the hall.

Nora: Oh, no.

She enters another room and sees the dead Annabelle hanging from a noose. Cue in Nora's now famous piercing scream.

While she continues her volley of screaming and peddling back toward the door, a monstrous hand reaches from behind. Nora ducks and races down the stairs.

She enters the dark living room.

Nora: Lance.

Her eyes pan across the empty room, stopping at an old dusty organ. It begins playing an eerie tune. She finds the sight and sound of the haunted organ maddening. She darts out of the room, a trail of her piercing scream along with her.

Frederick pokes his head into the hall, he sees David walking down the hall carrying his gun. Frederick slips back into his room. David taps on Frederick's door, Frederick answers with his gun pointed at David.

Frederick: An admission of guild, doctor?

David: Certainly not. There's either somebody else in this house, or one of us has left his room. Did you hear anything?

Frederick: Organ music?

David: That and someone walking.

Frederick: You got yours?

David pulls his gun out of his pocket and shows it to him.

Frederick: Ready?

David: You look downstairs, and I'll look up here.

Frederick: Why not together?

David: There may be only minutes, seconds left of someone's life. Why waste time?

They both head their separate ways. However, David backtracks once he sees Frederick disappear around the corner. He enters Annabelle's room and opens the bedroom curtain, where her body still lies.

David: It's almost over, darling. Every detail was perfect.

Suddenly, she starts breathing and opens her eyes.

Annabelle: What's happening?

David: We've done it. The perfect crime. Beautiful.

Annabelle: Has she killed him?

David: Not yet, but she will.

Annabelle: Get me out of this hanging harness. What's taking that girl so long? What time is it?

David: At first, I couldn't get Nora to want to protect herself with a gun. But after you appeared at the window, everything began to work just as we had planned. You were wonderful. Just the touch that finally drove her into complete hysteria.

Annabelle: It'll be worth all of our planning, darling. Where's Nora now? What's happening?

David: On her way to the cellar, so scared, she'll shoot the first thing that moves.

Annabelle: And Frederick?

David: On his way to the cellar, too.

Annabelle: David, are you sure none of them will suspect us?

David: Of what? A hysterical girl accidentally shoots somebody? Who would suspect that we planned it that way, that we drove her to it?

Annabelle: What about my suicide?

David: Just a ghost-party gag. We'll claim it was a dummy since I was the only one that touched you.

Annabelle: And the caretakers?

David: Well, they had no idea what they were really doing.

Annabelle: What about Nora? She's not stupid, you know.

David: Darling, believe me, everything we planned is working perfectly. Nora is sure Frederick murdered you. She thinks Frederick attacked her in the cellar, not me. And now Nora's almost out of her mind with fear. The heads, the music, your hanging. I tell you, when Frederick walks in, then she'll shoot him.

Annabelle: It's taking too long. Oh, David, you ought to be there.

He plants a kiss on her.

David: When you hear the shot, come down in the cellar.

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